Small Business

How does SEO work for Small Businesses?

SEO small business owners Optimize, Optimize, Optimize. That’s the key to any Marketing Secret for Small Business.

Lets Understand what is SEO first?

SEO is an acronym that stands for search engine optimization. So here the key secret word is “OPTIMIZATION”. One must give high importance to Optimization. Optimization means optimizing Keywords, Content, Site structure, Links, Videos, Images, Blogs, Site speed, and Technical optimization.

How does SEO bring value? How does SEO work?

So basically, here SEO experts focus on optimizing your website via Content, Keywords & Links, which are the most crucial parts of any SEO Optimization. Once this optimization is done perfectly, we need to get your website promoted. However, if your Optimization is not perfect or if you have not fixed the problems within your site then off page promotion won’t give you 100% results.

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After On-page optimization, we focus on Off-page SEO marketing where we make use of Content Promotion, Link building & Guest post methods that help a website to promote your Optimized website. Once both On-page + Off-page optimization is done correctly, your website will start to rank which in turn brings leads to your website via Google search engines.

How does SEO bring more value to small businesses?

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  • SEO Brings high-quality Traffic
  • Generates more sales, more clicks
  • SEO is slow but Long term benefits can be mind-blowing
  • SEO Saves lots of money spent on advertisements
  • SEO is not a shortcut! It is a Long term Investment for the future growth and success of your Business
  • SEO results take a minimum of 3 to 6 months and even a year depending on the keywords & the industry you are working in.

How SEO Works?

  • Understands how people search with Keywords
  • Fixes technical SEO issues – mobile speed, redirects, 302 redirect errors
  • On page Techniques – Optimizing On-page Titles, Description, H1, h2 tags, Images
  • Content Optimization focusing on Quality Content & Presentation of Content on your site
  • Optimizes your Pages / Optimizes Google business Profile
  • Optimizes Business Listings
  • SEO Audit / Technical Audit for Small Business
  • Off-page Promotion – Link building (Local links) and back link promotion to boost your rankings in Google search
  • Focus on acquiring honest reviews& Building reputation
  • Optimizes Videos & Blogs on your website thereby increasing visitors & traffic to your website.

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Know your Target Audience & Build Brand awareness

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Understand your customer requirements. What do they need? Keyword research helps a business owner to find out keywords that his audience is searching for. You need to find demand for your product based on your audience. Audience plays a great role in terms of implementing SEO Strategies based on search intent & location-based search.

The target audience will help an SEO expert to measure and target keywords based on the requirements of the audience.

Relevant &useful information about your products or services utilized by the end users will increase the visibility of your brand. Content published to help others will build trust & credibility which in turn converts to Good Branding of a website. Trusted content attracts customers which increases your BRAND Value.

So it’s all about Relevant Content information that you publish on your website which must be optimized.

Build Lasting Relationship

SEO helps in building relationships with your consumer base. Customers can find your business on the web easily with SEO. It is SEO that makes your visitors connect and remain engaged with your company, products, and services.

Long term relationship with your website will help your website gain Trust + Brand visibility in search engines.

Gain access to valuable DATA & Measure data

Data is crucial for any SEO optimization. Once optimization is done, you come to know which type of keywords are ranking for your website and which top landing pages are getting the highest clicks & impressions. SEO is the best way to know about your customer behaviour & intention.

Valuable data can be measured using Google Analytics & other tools. Measuring your rankings & performance based on your keywords & content can help you to further increase your chances of conversion of leads.

Access to valuable data can be further optimized and can be used to rank better keywords & pages which are lagging.

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Content Promotion High quality & Focused Content

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If your content is high-quality, relevant, engaging and also contains targeted keywords, your visitors will spend more time on your website. They are also more likely to interact with your content.

Write for humans first, and search engines second. Focus on content helpful for user problems. Providing them with solutions can help small business owners.

Solution for customers based content would be preferred most.

Content must not be written with bots or any software, instead, content must be focused on users’ requirements. It can be a guide, useful resource, a practical solution to a problem, etc.

Quality content drives traffic, links, visits, high CTR & high impressions which in turn benefits small business owners.

A good content optimization strategy will help small business owners compete with other business websites in their industry.

Maximize MOBILE search to your Advantage

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The future of digital is mobile. Mobile search plays a great role as nowadays more and more people are searching for products and services using their smartphones. So your website must be a responsive website that is easily accessible and user-friendly when it comes to the mobile search experience.

Optimization of websites for mobiles is crucial because you can increase your CTR & leads, which can impact your website. So don’t ignore mobile as it’s the tool used by millions for Local & Google searches.

Business owners can get most of their sales from smartphones which is the reason your website must be mobile-friendly. A great mobile-friendly site can increase the number of visitors, sales, referrals, leads, conversion & brand visibility.

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Maximize Local Search – Lead Conversions!

Google Business Profile Local SEO tips in this video

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Google local business optimization is crucial when it comes to ranking for Local Searches in Google. Google local keywords are the best ways to rank at top of the search engines above other searches. Google gives high importance to local searches.

Google local searches bring high-quality leads useful for your business. By using proper local-based city or state-based keywords, you can rank and gain traffic leads that can convert well when compared to normal searches.

So Optimizing Local Search is highly crucial. Small businesses especially must not ignore Google’s local search as it can bring instant leads, calls, messages & business inquiries based on their location. So try to maximize your website by optimizing your website in such a way that it ranks both in Google local and Google search.

Social media

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Include social media in your SEO business strategy. Integrate social tools; share, and follow buttons within your website so that users can share your pages, content, and links with other people around the world. Again optimized content here will work wonders.

Create Videos & Images for keywords

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Videos can create a huge impact if done correctly. YouTube video search can help your brand to reach new users, get new subscribers and likes through which your website can gain wide exposure. Never miss an opportunity to showcase your products if your business is in this sector.

Videos create a long-term impact through sharing across multiple platforms. Optimized YouTube videos can bring in more visitors & subscribers.

Image optimization

Images can create a higher impact than normal text. Image optimization is the best way to catch the attention of any user whether it’s for sale or business services. Images with punch lines can increase your CTR visibility in search engines. There are immense benefits of image optimization.

Image optimization provides a much better user experience, make the site fast-loading, and create opportunities for your website to rank higher.

Also, optimized images can be shared via social media sites like Instagram & Pinterest which can bring in quality traffic based on your interest & niche industry.

Site must be User-friendly / Mobile friendly /URL friendly

At the end of the day, the site must be user-friendly. Your visitors should be able to navigate smoothly and find the required information quickly without any difficulty. Menus and categories must be properly created. Site structure to links, videos & images must be visible.

Also, a mobile & search URL-friendly site having a high page load speed will be given high importance in Google search. The reason is all about providing a better quality user experience to visitors.


Keep all these factors in mind when trying to get your website optimized for small businesses.

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Small business owners must focus their optimization on Keywords, Content, Links, Site structure, Technical, Mobile, Local, Image & Social setup. Once all this is done properly business owners can get a huge advantage against their competitors and can rank in search for long term with monthly maintenance at an affordable cost.

• Article from Genesisminds Toronto digital marketing company

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